3. Retirement
There is no 'statutory' retirement age, i.e. you can no longer insist on an employee retiring. This is regardless of if they have reached the state retirement age for pension purposes. Therefore, if you 'dismiss' someone just because they are of a certain age, you will be very vulnerable to a claim for unfair dismissal and age discrimination! This leaves employers in a difficult position if they wish to exit older employees. Employers therefore find themselves having to commence capability/performance procedures in order to 'fairly' dismiss someone and/or entering into a settlement agreement.
This is really not ideal when you have someone who may have worked with you for many years. Genuine Occupational ReasonsThere are some jobs where compulsory retirement is possible. This is where...
On this page
There is no 'statutory' retirement age, i.e. you can no longer insist on an employee retiring. This is regardless of if they have reached the state retirement age for pension purposes.
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