The ultimate HR guide for SMEs

All the guidance, templates and documents you need to manage HR and be compliant, with

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1. How to use will allow you manage all the day-to-day HR situations that arise within an SME and to build and maintain a solid HR foundation. It includes all the guidance and templates you will need, divided into different categories from recruitment, ending employment and everything in between.

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2. Avoiding Disciplinary Action

Taking disciplinary action can be time-consuming and stressful (for everyone!). It is much better to avoid such situations arising in the first place and can make for a more positive working environment. Here we look at some strategies to help avoid disciplinary action.

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The ultimate HR guide for SMEs

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HR Compliance

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We recommend that all our clients have good HR in place. offers them an easy and affordable solution, with access to templates and guidance covering important areas like contracts of employment and HR policy documents. It is becoming more and more important for all employers to put required HR documentation in place and follow the correct procedures when dealing with HR matters and provides an excellent resource. 

Ian Hornsey - Devonports LAS